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Embedded Advisor

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A consultancy support service ideal for any organisation:


  • Committed to taking every step possible to become a child safe organisation, operating above legislative compliance and to best practices.


  • Wanting to take forward learnings from historical failings (e.g., organisations who have been part of Aotearoa's Royal Commission) and ensure a safeguarding culture is established and embedded.​


  • Wishing to implement child safety improvements follows a noteworthy practice of failing or worrisome allegations.​

Customers receive dedicated in-person expert Advisor support that is tailored to their organisation’s child safeguarding and protection needs and objectives. As well as receiving direct support, customers are supported in various ways to develop their safeguarding self-sustainability, including by having designated Safeguarding Staff coached and supported through implementing tailored child-focused policies and practices and embedding a strong and sustained safeguarding culture. 


Holistic Safeguarding's Embedded Advisor operates on and offsite to timeframes agreed with the customer as per the organisation’s child safeguarding and protection requirements. 


The Embedded Advisor works together with the customer (on and offsite, to timeframes agreed with the customer) to guide the customer through child safety capacity building and culture change that addresses the whole child safety need (not just the surface). An excellent support service for organisations committed to being a child safe organisation. 

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The founder of Holistic Safeguarding, Kim Dickinson leads all Embedded Advisor support. Although not exclusive, key customer support areas include the development and rollout of:


  • A child safety review confirming the organisation's specific child safeguarding and protection needs as per the National Principles of Child Safe Organisations.


  • A Child Safeguarding Action/Improvement Plan.


  • Self-sustainable safeguarding structures and solutions, including the mentoring and coaching of designated child safeguarding staff.


  • Child safety policies, process changes, induction and training.


Kim offers valuable expertise in organisational safeguarding and tailored child safeguarding and protection support. Indeed, under her various hats (including her Holistic Safeguarding hat), Kim has guided both of New Zealand’s child-safe accredited organisations (Y North and Dilworth) through their accreditation and renewal processes and continues to assist many other organisations with their passion for being child-safe organisations.

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